The Medicine when Folder option vanishes.

The Medicine when Folder option vanishes.

1: Here's how you can get Folder Options back..

1: Open Start menu and from there select Run

2: type gpedit.msc and hit enter

3: now in the Group Policy window, from the left pane, select user configuration->Administrative Tempelates->windows components->Windows Explorer by highlighting it with the mouse cursor..

4: now in the right side you will see an option which says "Removes the Folder Options menu item from the Tools menu"

5: right click on this option and select properties

6: now in the properties under Setting tab, select Disabled and hit OK

................................................................................................................................ Method 2 run


>>user configuration

>>administrative templates


disable "prevent access to registry editing tools"

............................................................................................................................................ Method 3 regeditOpen your registry and find the key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer]Create a new DWORD value,

or modify the existing value named "NoFolderOptions" and

set it to equal "1" to hide the options or "0" to show the options.

Log-off or restart Windows for the changes to take effect
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