Some more Tricks for XP users

Some more Tricks for XP users

Do U Want , Ur Volume Controller Looks More pretty......Try This>>>>>>

1.Double click the volume control in the system tray to get the mixer up

2.Press Ctrl+S

3.Tada! Ain't that prettier?


Did you ever find yourself staring into your computer screen and see that long, hard to understand error message? Did you ever need to copy that loooong error or information text found in one of Windows' error/warning/information windows? Did you ever want to copy a command's output directly into your clipboard, and later to paste it into a different program or search engine (such as Google, TechNet etc.)?

Try this nifty trick:

1. Click on the error message so that it is the uppermost window on your deskop.

2. Press Ctrl + C

3. Open Notepad or your favourite text editor.

4. Press CTRL + V.

Voila! I've used Windows XP for ages and this is the first time I realised this could be done.


I'm pretty sure everyone knows about this one but it's a combination that i use a lot. when you're in IE or Firefox and you want to go to a site, google for example, you can just type google in the address bar and then hit ctrl+enter and it automatically completes the whole address and takes you to the site.


Hold the Ctrl key when opening a folder to open it in a new window.
Hold the Shift key when opening a folder to open it in a new window with the folder list on the left.
Hold the Alt key when opening a folder to go to the folder properties (rather than Right-click, Properties)


Start key & pause/break opens system properties dialog.

Holding shift while pressing delete on selected items will delete them without them going to the recycle bin.


Properly old news, but here it goes anyway!

How to Remove the Recycle bin icon from the desktop.

Start Menu - Run - Then type 'gpedit.msc' and return

Now in the Group Policy window go to 'User Configuration' / 'Administrative Templates' / 'Desktop'

Enable 'Remove Recycle Bin icon from desktop'... tadaa


How to remove the shared folders in My Computer.

Start - Run - Regedit

Search for the string called 'DelegateFolders'

Only one hit, delete the subentry for that key! No restart required.


Turn off Sticky Keys, Filter Keys, Toggle Keys.

Press LShift + Rshift at the same time.


Hold shift and select thumbnail view, it removes the text under individual files in thumbnail view. do the same to return to toggle on/off


When overwriting many files, for example, Windows has a "Yes to all" option, but there is no "No to all" option shown. You can tell Windows "No to all" by holding Shift and clicking on "No". Very handy IMO.


OK People, Here it is, the PIC TRICK. 

Ever need a program to rename all your digital photo's. You know, from DSC0001, DSC0002, ect....

I had over 1500 photo's named this way. And everytime I copied photo's to my photo directory from my camara, it always ask me if I wanted to replace an existing file. Because my camara always starts at the beginning whenever I download my pictures. If you have this problem try this:

1. Goto to your photo directory
2. Goto to Edit Menu and <Select All>
3. Goto to File Menu and <Rename>
4. Enter a title for you photos. Press <Enter Key>

Example: SpringBreak06

Every picture in that directory will be renamed ----> SpringBreak06 (1), SpringBreak06 (2), SpringBreak (3), ect.....

No matter what you name it, the format will be ---> WhatYouNameIt (1), WhatYouNameIt (2), ect....

Hope you like this one.... It saves me alot of time


One that took me ages to find but has been really helpful:

Right-click on My Computer > Manage > Disk Management

If you just installed a new hard-drive and it doesn't show up in My Computer you can go there and partition it, format it and assign drive letters to any drives.


Keep a Log in Notepad 

1. Open a new Notepad document.
2. Enter .LOG at the top.
3. Save and close the file.
4. Open it and you will see the current time and date inserted.
5. Enter your log entry, save and close.
5. Next time you open the file, Notepad will again insert the current time and date.
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