Small trick from me to lock your folder 
Its a very old one & m using it past 12 years i guess

A small trick to lock any no. of folder using Command.
Example : You want to lock a folder "raj" located in C:
Go To Command >> C:\>
Type :
ren raj Alt+1234 (note : Nt necessary to choose 1234, u can choose others too, bt nt all digit works.) and press enter
exit command & check the folder. The Folder raj would have been renamed to a symbol.
Now try opening the folder, it wont 
Try deleting the folder, it wont 
To access, you will need to rename it again to a specified name using command itself.
Go To Command >> C:\>
Type :
ren Alt+1234 raj (You will have to type the same digit code).
Give it a try Guyz 
Note : Doesn't work in Vista 
Sorry to disappoint if you knew this 
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