Some people think that optimizing the computer's performance is a difficult task. But, it is actually a simple and easy task. Just take the following simple steps to optimize the computer's performance. Use all these tips together to get good results:
- Check registry files: Registry files control the software systems and programs on a computer. They can become damaged when you uninstall a program. Generally, uninstalling one program lead to a problem with another program that shared similar registry files. Therefore, use some good registry scanning software to determine if everything is working fine. There are lot of good registry scanners available in the market. Some of them are free wares. You can use any of these. (See my other posts on Registry Scanners: Abexo Registry Cleaner and Registry Cleaner Software.
- Remove unwanted icons from desktop: The easiest ways to optimize the computer’s performance is to cleanup the things on the desktop. The icons which you never use slow down a computer. Deleting these icons will free up some memory and speed up the computer. If you mistakenly install any application / software on the desktop, then be very carefull.
- Upgrade the computer's memory: Buying a memory may be costly, but it's very simple and easy way to speed up your computer. It will also fix memory errors if any. Before buying the memory / RAM for your computer, look for shops, make a survey and find a best value deal.
- Use Program uninstallers: Many times, when programs are removed, they leave behind some traces. So, use a program uninstaller to uninstall or remove installed software. Choose any good uninstaller software like Advanced Uninstaller PRO or Total Uninstall etc.
- Delete every unwanted program from the task bar. They utilize memory and slowdown the computer. You can do this by following simple steps:
- Click on Start > Run. Enter MsCONFIG. Press enter key. Click on Start UP. Here you will find a list of start up programs.
- Uncheck programs like real players, Office startup, Quicken Reminder, etc.
- Do NOT uncheck systray, Explorer and Virus check or scheduler programs.
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