Get More Viewing Space
Want to maximize the Web-site view in your browser window? Then make your icons smaller. Just go to View > Toolbars > Customize and check the box next to "Use Small Icons."
Quick URL Fill-in
If you type a site's address without the usual ".com" or "www" and press Ctrl+Enter, Firefox will fill in the rest of the URL for you.
Give Your Bookmarks Keywords
To assign a keyword to a bookmark, simply right-click on it and select Properties. Write a word in the keyword field, and now when you type the word into the location bar, you'll automatically go to that site.
Delete Inaccurate URLs
If you've ever mistyped a Web site's address and then seen your mistake pop up whenever you retype the site's name, just highlight the site in the history and press Shift+Delete to get rid of it for good.
Mousing Around
Your mouse gives you more browsing control than you might think. If you have a scroll wheel button, clicking it on a hyperlink will open it up in a new tab, while clicking it on a tab will close it. If you hold down the Shift key while scrolling, you can move backward or forward through your browsing history.
Open multiple sites at startup
If you want to open multiple Web sites when you start Firefox, go to Tools > Options. Under the Startup section on the Main tab, you'll see the Home Page field. Enter the sites you want to open in this manner:
Disable Window Resizing
Web pages that resize windows drive some people up the wall. To fix that, go to Tools > Options, and open the Content tab. Click on the Advanced button next to "Enable JavaScript," then deselect the check box that allows scripts to "Move or resize existing windows."
Choose a Tab
As with IE, Ctrl+Tab will let you cycle through open tabs in Firefox. But if you want to go to a specific tab without using the mouse, use the Ctrl key and the number of the tab's position—Ctrl+1, for example, will open the first tab, Ctrl+2 the second, and so on.
Browse Without a Mouse
Tired of using the mouse? Ctrl+L will move you to Firefox's location bar, while Ctrl+K will move you to the search bar. (When you're there, hold Ctrl and use the up or down arrow keys to toggle the default search engine.)
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